Alter the word order in lines by VIM regular expression
Somehow, I am required to alter the order of word in lines in a text file.
For example, the input text file is like below.
hello world hello paul this is for test
I want this file be updated was below.
world hello paul hello is this test for
Thanks to regular expression, I do not need to update the lines one after another.
The vim regular expression is a little different than the Perl's. But most of syntax are similar.
\w : word charaters, includes both alphabet and number characters.
\s : space characters.
* : match zero or more preceding character or meta character like \s, \w.
The patterns can be grouped by enclosing with \( and \).
& : the whole matched pattern
\0: the whole matched pattern
\1: the matched pattern in the first pair of \( and \)
\2: the matched pattern in the second pair of \( and \)
So, to accomplish the above task, the substitution regular expression is :

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