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Add prefix and append suffix to each line of text file

paul posted @ Wed, 02 Mar 2011 08:43:36 +0800 in linux with tags awk sed vim , 15922 readers

I need to update one text file to add prefix and suffix to each line. For instance, let's say the text file I need to update is like:


I want the file be updated as below.

prefix line-number-one suffix
prefix line-number-two suffix
prefix line-number-three suffix

Here are my solutions.

To update with vim:

:%s/.*/prefix & suffix/g

To update with sed:

$ sed 's/\(.*\)/prefix $1 suffix/' sample-file.txt

To update with awk:

$ awk '{ printf( "prefix %s suffix\n", $1 ); }' sample-file.txt


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