Paul - The Programmer

simple & stupid
Install sunpinyin on Debian
Good Linux tool, Network Manager.

Replace scim with ibus on Debian

paul posted @ Sat, 26 Feb 2011 15:42:04 +0800 in about debian with tags debian ibus im-switch , 4742 readers

The default input method framework of Debian is scim.

You may know from my last post that I just change to use sunpinyin for my default Chinese input method. But the scim sunpinyin engine seems like a little buggy. I can not switch between English and Chinese input by the shift. The window may hangs when I am typing pinyin.

Okay. I change to use ibus as well.

Firstly, the scim should be remove completely from system. Use the Synaptic or apt-get to remove all the scim related package ( scim,  scim input engines, scim libs and so on ).

$ sudo apt-get purge scim

Secondary, install the ibus and ibus sunpinyin engine.

$ sudo apt-get install ibus
$ sudo apt-get -t experimental ibus-sunpinyin

Finally, set ibus the default input method then restart the X session to active the ibus input method.

$ im-switch -s ibus


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