Play wmv video in Firefox
posted @ Fri, 27 Nov 2009 04:59:06 +0800
in my blabbering
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, 2199 readers
Since the wmv files is only supported by the windows media player. The firefox does not support the wmv files directly. Fortunately there is an addon can let the firefox recongnize the wmv video in the web page and play it with windows meida player Firefox plugin.
Here are the steps I took for playing windows media player video / audio in Firefox.
- Install the windows media player Firefox plugin.
Download the installation package from the web page
Of cause, it's always recommended keep the Firefox shutdown while the installation.
- Install the Firefox addon MediaWrap. We count it to translate the ActiveX for the window meida player Firefox plugin
Install the addon from the web page
That's all. After a quick restart of the Firefox, you can enjoy the wmv videos with Firefox.

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