Android-x86 on EEEPC 701
posted @ Sat, 21 Nov 2009 18:06:30 +0800
in my blabbering
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Finally got some fancy thing to update. I have the android running on my netbook!
I am amazed how easy the installation is. I followed the instructures precisely. No suprising thing happend during the procedures.
Thanks to the team They have done a great job.
Only one thing needs to be clearified. Since I am using the XP, the apk installation instructures is a little different than they are described on the official site. To install the apk, we need to ..
On android:
- Settings -> Unknown sources. Allow the android to install non-market applications
- Settings->Wireless controls->Wi-Fi settings. Click the Wi-Fi network (below the Text Label Wi-Fi networks) you connected to check the ip address of your android device.
On you host:
- set ADBHOST=<android-x86 ip address>
- adb kill-server
- adb install <your apk file name>
Enjoy the Android! Thanks to the team android-x86 again.
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