Paul - The Programmer

simple & stupid
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Change the Gnome Commander default editor

paul posted @ Wed, 13 Apr 2011 21:51:13 +0800 in about debian with tags gnome Gnome Command , 5420 readers

The default editor for Gnome Commander is geit. Of cause gedit is good enough, but I prefer to VIM.

The changing of preferred programs in Gnome Commander seems broken somehow. It simply does not work.

Since Gnome is following the standard of handling mime types, we can still update the mime settings to choose the preferred editor.

The preferred applicaiton configuration file is located in ~/.local/share/applications, the file name is defaults.list.

Here is the content of my default.list

[Default Applications]

As you may guess, I open all the html, xml, text, java and python file with GVIM.

The gvim.desktop is the configuration for gvim for what mime types it can handle and its launching command.

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