Paul - The Programmer

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Configure Logitech C160 webcam in Debian wheezy

solve the KMS incompatible issue of ATI card

paul posted @ Wed, 09 Feb 2011 06:19:16 +0800 in about debian , 1903 readers

From Debian Sequeeze on, the KMS is enabled by default. But the ATI card is not compatible with the KMS.

When  the KMS enabled, the score of glxgears is around 40 FPS on my laptop which has a ATI Radeon X300.

The worst thing is the system becomes unstable, the screen could be frozen at anytime.

Disable the KMS by the way of /etc/modprobe.d/radeon-kms.conf.

Update this file with command:

echo 'options radeon modeset=0' > /etc/modprobe.d/radeon-kms.conf

Then reboot the system.

Now the score of glxgears gets back to around 1700 FPS.

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