Configure javac to report messages in English
posted @ Sun, 21 Feb 2010 06:41:53 +0800
in coding life
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On my Chinese version Windows XP, the javac always shows Simple Chinese messages. But I'd rather see the English ones.
The traditional way is to change the default system Local setting, then the JVM local is changed as well. But this solution is too inconvenient and painful.
Fortunately, we do not have to do that. We can pass the '-J-Duser.language' option to the javac to change its JVM Local setting.
javac '-J-Duser.language=en' -help
The javac will show the help messages in English instead of the Simple Chinese.
Those two options can also be passed in the ant script by adding the <compilerarg> in the <javac>
<target name="compile" description="compile hello world"> <mkdir dir="${classes}"/> <javac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${classes}" fork="true" > <compilerarg value="-J-Duser.language=en"/> <compilerarg value=""/> </javac> </target>
The attribute fork="true" is mandatory. The two options can only effect the forked compiler.

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