Paul - The Programmer

simple & stupid

Possible solution for VNC clipboard doesn't work

Verify the vnc-config is running in the VNC desktop. The nvc-config is required for the clipboard exchange to work.

Change the vim default comments syntax color

The default color for the comment syntax if dark blue. It is not easy to read in a console with black background. Adding the command below to the .vimrc under your home directory can solve the problem.

hi Comment ctermfg=Blue

Of cause, it can use the other colors.  Check with command:

:h syntax




Execute shell command and get the result by python

import os

result = os.popen( 'your command' ).read()

print result


 os.popen() can invoke the inputted command and grab its output as if it is a file-like object.

Replace tab with space in VIM

To remove the annoying tab space in the code:

%s/^I/    /g

# ^I  means input Ctrl+v  then input Tab.

List files in tar.gz file

1)  zcat  your_file.tar.gz  | tar --list

2)  tar -ztvf  your_file.tar.gz